The kerburu host table

Friendly and warm atmosphere

Presentation of Kerburu table “Gilles & Martine”

Martine and Gilles receive you around their table d’hôte in an old house of the beginning of the century as at home in a warm and friendly atmosphere.
A privileged moment where you will appreciate the country decoration of the table made with taste by Martine and the dressage of plates and small dishes to cook with love by the chef Gilles.

The masters of the place are not short of ideas, they will offer you dinner or themed lunch, menu around a single product, food and wine pairings depending on the season. They are also open to any requests from you.

You will be able to participate in the training of the plates and thus steal some ideas and the turn of hand to impress in turn your guests back from holidays.

Theme menu 2nd and 4th Friday of the month at 19H

2 appetizer toasts, starter, main course, dessert, coffee, 1/4 of wine 30.00 € per person

September (mushrooms and the sea)

Fricassee of mushrooms and squid stuffed with herbs

Risotto with porcini mushrooms market fish cooked on the grill

Fine fig tart reduction of balsamic black wheat ice cream

October (beaujolais menu)

Sausage in creamed brioche chives, shallots, green salad

Andouillette Lyonnaise mustard sauce white wine, gratin macaroni

Apple tart tatin with lambic cream

November (autumn menu)

Creamy pumpkin soup madeleine chestnut

Square pork fondant with cider vegetables cooked in the juice

Fluffy chocolate cake, coffee custard

December (game menu)

Venison terrine with pistachio shallot jams with grenadine

Wild boar stew Parmentier, winter vegetables

Tiramisu with brown cream

Request for information Host table

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